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Frequently Asked Questions

The dedicated and pet loving staff at Pets At Peace would like to answer some very important questions that should be asked of all Pet Cremation companies when you may be considering organising a service.

How do I know it's my pets ashes I receive back?

This is the most important question asked and one that should be asked to any pet cremation company that you are considering using. Craig, founder of Pets At Peace, was a Paramedic with the NSW Ambulance Service in 1996 when his beloved pet Suzie passed away. When he phoned around to organise a cremation, he was horrified to discover that the only option was a multiple cremation. Needless to say, this was just not good enough and from this day Pets At Peace was born giving the unconditional guarantee of INDIVIDUAL PET CREMATIONS.

Is it true that you can cremate multiple pets at once?

At Pets At Peace we have a dedicated and purpose built pet crematoria. We can only cremate one pet at a time due to its construction as it is modelled exclusively on its human counterpart. Our engineer was commissioned to build this unit, the first in Australia.

We can only give this guarantee with the pets that we have collected. Our experience and knowledge of this industry has shown that if you do not have your own crematoria you lose control of the entire pet cremation process.

Can I give personal effects to be taken with my pet?

Yes of course you can. Small items such as photos, collars, favourite toys and so on. We do believe though, it is important to keep some mementos and personal items with you so the cherished memories of your beloved pet are with you always.

Can I view my pet at the crematorium?

We do not recommend you seeing your pet at this time. This is why we have a door to door service as our extensive experience has shown that it is extremely upsetting not only for the owner, but also for our dedicated crematoria staff members. As we all love pets, we suggest that the viewing be done either at your veterinarian or prior to us collecting your pet from your home.

Where are you located?

Our NSW head office is at Camden with branches in:

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