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Pet Prayer & Meditation

Our Life's Journey Together

Through life's journey we took a ride,
The times you spent by my side,
You always were there as my best friend,
But we knew one day, there would be an end.

Heavens doors are open, just walk through the gates,
In this Animal Kingdom sunshine awaits,
To a place you can run free, never grow old,
A world full of freedom, rivers of gold.

Towards the rainbow, you can play and run,
Or in the green fields, you relax in the sun,
Under the trees, just rest in the shade,
As this is the place where dreams are made.

No pain or suffering exists in this place,
Only fields of endless happiness, butterflies you chase.
Beyond the hills you lead your friends,
As my broken heart tries to mend.

When I light a candle and whisper your name,
This shall become forever, an endless flame.
When you look down from pet heaven, see tears on my cheek,
Make me strong please my baby, day by day, week by week.

When I look amongst the stars for you,
I can see you shining in heaven, it's true,
Just wait for me, I'll see you one day,
But now my friend, just relax or play...

Author: Christian Mitchell
Pets at Peace Pet Cremations and Memorial Products.

The Flame of Forever - Meditation

This parting meditation is to signify the eternity of memory.
In order to establish the parting of a loved one, time is needed to remember.

Take a pure white candle, go outside to a nice peaceful place.
Place the candle in the ground and sit for a while.
Allow memories of your pet to come to the surface.
Breathe deeply so as to feed your emotions

When you feel you have given enough time to their memory and are ready to say your last farewell, light the candle.
The flame of the candle is to signify your pet's undying memory.
The light is to guide them and yourself to peace
Time shared and love passed between many.
Breathe deeply and release the pain.

When the time has come - allow your breath to extinguish the flame.
This is to give your blessing and understanding to your pet's departure.
Everyone who travels with love, travels in peace.

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